An essay by Lê Mai Hà Trang The environment includes natural factors and man-made ones that are closely related to each other. They surround us and affect our life, production, existence and development of people and nature. Because of these reasons, you should join me in protecting the environment. Practising the three Rs is one way to help the environment. The three Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This rule is part of the waste hierarchy, a process used to protect the environment and conserve resources through a priority approach. Its aim is to get the most practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste. The three Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle -- all help decrease the amount of waste we throw away. It helps conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three Rs save land and money that communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills There are many ways to help the environment. Not only big behaviors are important, but also...